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by Bill Jones, Ski Instructor CSW # 9: "If a skier looks good, the skier is good." Al Capp is the cartoonist who did the comic strip, "Little Abner" set in Dogpatch, U.S.A., and a series he did covered a beauty contest in the hick town. One of the contestants, however, who was otherwise stunningly attractive, had a wart on her chin whcih she did not want to have removed. No problem, however, her promoters simply convinced the townfolk that a wart on a chin was a beauty mark and she won the contest. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", it is said. Some forms of skiing look graceful and are therefore judged so by some observers, but others knowing the limitations of the style find the same form unattractive. If your skiing goal is to look a certain way, you may be compromising performance that could be improved by skiing a different way. Consider function as well--think of characteristics versus principles. main CSW contents
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