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by Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration #110478), Level III
How To Reserve Private Ski Lessons with Bill Jones

Check out these skiing web sites--

Navigation tip: Many of the links in this website will lead you to sites managed by others; these are indicated by the word exits at the end of the links. You may return to this website with your browser's back arrows or by our address: http://www.SkiMyBest.com.

So we may keep this site useful for you, please e-mail Bill Jones broken links. Also, we would be glad to hear your suggestions for improvements to this site, and in return for either broken link reports or website suggestions, ask for and we'll send you free and postpaid a book of your choice (subject to availability, so give us your second choice) from our VistaBooks Outlet: exits.


Arapahoe Basin Si Area: exits.
Colorado Ski Authority: exits for lift ticket comparison, terrain park guide, gear
Keystone, Breckenridge, Vail, and Beaver Creek (snow.com): exits for snow reports, weather, live mountain cameras, trail maps.
skipress.com: exits for Vail Resorts News Releases and other information.
Keystone: exits
summitnet: exits for Keystone, Colorado, area lodging, dining, lift tickets, ski rental, mountain info, trail maps. 
summitco.com: exits for Summit County, Colorado, information.
skicolorado.com: exits for Colorado ski area information.
coppercolorado.com: exits
skicoro.htm: for more links on the Colorado page of the current website.

earthcams.com: exits for skiing webcams.
epicski.com: exits: info on skiing Rocky Mountain National Park, mini-vansEpicSki; forum discontinued. 

familyskier.com: exits for resorts, gear, deals relating to family ski trips.
liftopia.com: exits for discount lift tickets at some ski areas (also see ski area websites)
onthesnow.com: exits for snow reports and more
ski-tips.com: exits for more ski tips
skicentral.com: exits for skiing web sites.
skifriend.com: exits to find a ski buddy
skilikeawoman.com: exits for site focusing on women skiing.
skimag.com: exits for equipment buyer's guide, contests, articles from Ski magazine.
skimaps.com: exits for maps of ski areas
winterfeelsgood.com: exits for how to get started in winter sports

Skiing exercises: exits details of exercises to get into shape for skiing.
Body Mass Index website: exits
FIT SKIING: Your Guide for Peak Skiing Fitness, by Andrew Hooge: exits. 

Professional Ski Instructors of America: exits  for ski teaching with links to many ski industry sites.
U.S. Ski Team: exits  for news releases, member bios, masters racing.
National Ski Patrol: exits for member info, medical reports, avalanche conditions.
International Brotherhood of Skiers: exits. A goal of this group is to have broader ethnic representation on the US Olympic winter sports teams.
National Ski Areas Association: exits. Ski Area Manager's trade group.
Snowsports Industries of America: exits
Sierra Nevada College: exits. Has ski area management curriculum.

Ski Racing Magazine: exits for racing news
Ajkitt Ski Ventures: exits for ski racer A. J. Kitt's perspective on skiing and ski racing.
NASTAR (National Standard Race): exits
Rocky Mountain Masters Ski Racing Series: exits
usskiteam.org: exits.
www.ronlemaster.com: exits  for site of consultant to U.S. Ski Team, with excellent photomontages.

skibill.htm for home page of this website's author
skiinst.htm for link to "How to Pick a Sk Instructor" on this website.
http://www.skicamp.com: exits for camp at Mt. Hood, Oregon
http://www.mahretrainingcenter.com: exits for Mahre Training Center at Deer Valley Resort, Park City, Utah..

Squaw Valley Academy: exits
National Sports Academy: exits At Lake Placid, NY. College prep boarding or day school for winter athletes.
http://www.burkemtnacademy.org: exits
Warren Smith Ski Academy: exits
Sugar Bowl Academy: exits is a private, fully-accredited, non-profit college preparatory boarding and day school dedicated to the development of the whole child: ...
Alpental Snoqualmie Ski Education Foundation: exits
Bogus Basin: exits
Brewster Academy: exits
Burke Mountain Academ: exits
Cardigan Mountain School: exits
Carrabassett Valley Academy:  exits
Cochran Ski Club: exits
Crested Butte Academy: exits
Crystal Mountain: exits
Eagle Brook School: exits
Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club (EMSC): exits
Eldora Ski Racing Program: exits
Gould Academy: exits
Green Mountain Valley School: exits
Holderness School: exits
Jackson Hole Ski Club: exits
Kents Hill School: exits
Killington Mountain School: exits
Killington, Vt., Ski Club: exits
Kimball Union Academy: exits
Lowell Whiteman School: exits
Mount Mansfield Ski Club: exits
Mount Snow Academy: exits
Mt Bachelor Ski Education Foundations: exits
National Sports Academy: exits
New Hampton School: exits
Northfield Mount Hermon School: exits
Northwood School: exits
Proctor Academy: exits
Rowmark Academy: exits
Salisbury School: exits
Squaw Valley Academy: exits
Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club: exits
Stratton Mountain School: exits
Sugar Bowl Academy: exits
Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation: exits
Team Breckenridge Sports Club (formerly Quantum Sports Club): exits
Team Gilboa: exits
Team Summit: exits
Vermont Academy: exits
Waterville Valley Academy: exits
Waterville Valley BBTS Ski Club: exits
White Mountain School: exits
Winter Park Competition Center: exits

Vermontskisafety.com: exits for risk/safety/injury issues.
National Ski Areas Association: exits for statistical comparisons with other activities + more insights
www.avalanche.org: exits for Westside Avalanche Network.
Avalanche Safety Resource Guide by National Ski Areas Association: exits

International Skiing History Association: exits
for ski history journal.
http://www.nelsap.org: exits for New England Lost Ski Areas Project
"The History of Skiing": exits for Warren Miller website
Mammoth ski Museum of Mason Beekley collection: exits
Vintage Ski World: exits for ski memorabilia
Ski Hall of Fame: exits
Colorado Ski & Snowboard Museum: exits
New England Ski Museum: exits
Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum: exits

www.sno-ski.com/basictuning.html: exits ski tuning
www.sno-ski.com/whytune.html: exits 
www.the-raceplace.com/tuning.htm: exits how to tune your skis
www.tognar.com: exits tools and books and tips
http://www.bootfitters.com/find-shop: exits for info on picking a bootfitter in various areas

http://www.theboardbasement.com; exits for The Board Basement for snowboard and ski gear.

http://www.alpineaction.co.uk: exits  for ski chalets in France at Meribel and LaTania

Please suggest additional links to skiing websites.

This "Links to Skiing Websites" page last modified  December 2, 2022 . Did you come here from a link on another website? For latest version of this page, copy to your browser: http://www.SkiMyBest.com/skiwebs.htm. Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. William R Jones.