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"SKIING IS A SLIDING SPORT": a skiing web manual
The Final Skiing Skill-pressure
by Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration
#110478), Level III
As often stated, skiing skills include rotating, tipping, and
pressuring--all the while maintaining balance so we stay upright. All these
elements are blended while we ski, however, and it may not be possible to
isolate one or even to rank importance since all are needed. As our skiing
skills progress, however, pressure management becomes increasingly important. If
we think of the pressure on our skis as the result of how we tilt and rotate, we
will note the important effect we can produce depending on how much and at what
rate we tilt and rotate. The more progressive our pressure management and the
more we get the pressure on the part of the skis where we want it, the more
likely we will have a good ride.
Dave McCoy said it better (McCoy is the founder of Mammoth
Mountain Ski Area in California, a race coach, and father of several Olympians):
"We have several demonstrations, like using pillows and passing them from one to
another...or unloading a carload of watermelons. You get a team of men passing
one. They don't lift and throw the thing. They get a pushing rhythm where the
weight is just carried rapidly along. Each person barely touches the weight of
the melon.
"Well, that's the way we translate this to skiing. Skiing is a sensitive touch
of the snow. You carry your weight down the hill with a light touch to change
its direction, rather than a severe, continuous turning moment. A continuous
moment like that tends to slow you down, just as if you were to catch the
melon before throwing it to the next person..." --Skiing Heritage,
July-August 2015, page 26. [Slowing down may be a goal at times, and that, too,
can be accomplished with pressure management; overdoing slowing, however, takes
IS A SLIDING SPORT"--a skiing web manual: Skiing Web Manual Contents
Why Read this
Skiing Web Manual That First Skiing Lesson
Little Skiing History
Motion in Skiing
Conventional Skiing Wisdoms
Skier Excuses fear in
Skiing Conditioning
for Skiing Equipment
and Technique
Skiing Equipment
How Skis
to Develop Balance on Skis
A Skiing Turn
pressure management Tactics for Terrains and Snow
Textures and Racing
Skiing Tips and Tales--a potpourri
Exercises for Developing Skiing Skills
Children and Skiing
Age and Skiing
Gender & Skiing Culture
& Skiing
Skiing Ethics and Slope Survival
Slope Safety Skiing
Environment Videos and Apps Glossary Acknowledgements
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version of this page, copy to your browser: http://www.SkiMyBest.com/skipressure.htm.
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