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by Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration #110478), Level III)
How To Reserve Private Ski Lessons with Bill Jones

To show the worth of  books and videos in learning to ski/ski better but also their limitations, we repeat two items from elsewhere in this website:

  • A remarkable student came to ski school one day. "Put me in level 3," he said. "Well, why?", the instructor thought, "Have you skied before?"  "Oh, no," was the reply, "But  I read the book and watched the video." So the instructor put the reader-watcher in level 3, ready to make a downward adjustment. However, the reader-watcher succeeded and stayed in level 3, ready to advance to level 4 at the end of the lesson. Knowing in advance what to expect and understanding the mechanics involved and the movements needed can obviously help, although not usually this much.

  • There are too many variables of terrain, snow conditions, individual's characteristics, interpretations of language, etc. to rely solely or even dominantly on books and videos. An instructor can sort out what you need to learn at the moment under the conditions at hand; a written guide cannot. Books and videos are not intended to replace on-hill coaching and practice, but only to make such experiences more productive.

As you may have found out, this "Learn to Ski/Ski Better/Ski My Best" website has a great deal of information to help you learn to ski./ski better/ski my best. Have you also perused its chapter with included "Skiing Manual: Skiing is a Sliding Sport"?  Still more resources are listed below. You are invited to suggest additions to this list. Sources for buying include Amazon.com: exits and this website for some. More listings will be found under New England Ski Museum: exits.

See Billl's recommendations for books he has found most helpful. Should you wish help locating an item, send e-mail to Bill Jones.

See Add to Your Winter Library for selected titles to buy


FIT SKIING: Your Guide for Peak Skiing Fitness, by Andrew Hooge.  (book.)

FIT TO SKI: Practical Tips to Optimize Dryland Training and Ski Performance, by Carl Petersen. City Sports and Physiotherapy Clinics. Vancouver, Canada. 2005. 332 pages. Order at http://www.citysportsphysio.com/fittoski.html: exits

BREAKTHROUGH ON THE NEW SKIS: Say Goodbye to the Intermediate Blues, by Lito Tejada-Flores. Mountain Press: Missoula, MT. 2001.A must-read treatise from a master teacher about harmonizing with your new shaped skis.--Stu Campbell, former Instruction Editor, SKI Magazine. If you are a "terminal intermediate" skier who can handle moderate slopes, but come unglued on steeps, powder, and bumps, Breakthrough on the New Skis offers a simple innovative path to expert skiing based on a few key movements using modern shaped skis to full advantage. 316 pages, 84 b & w photos & illustrations, paper. ISBN: 0-87842-527-6.

WOMEN SKI: Everything You Need to Know to Really Enjoy Skiing, by Claudia Carbone. World Leisure Corporation: Boston, MA. 1994. 280 pages, paper.

SKIING: A Woman's Guide, by M. Loring. Ragged Mountain Press, McGraw-Hill: Camden, ME. 2000.

TERRAIN SKIING: How to Master Tough Skiing Like the Experts, by Seth Masia. Contemporary Books. Chicago, IL. 1996.

THE COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SKIING: the indispensable reference for instructors and all skiers,  by Bob Barnes. Snowline Press: Silverthorne, CO. 1999, 324 pages of extended definitions. ISBN 0-9669131-5-9. (1999 edition is out of print and being revised; 1 copy of a 1992 edition, used, is available at $30 from Bill Jones.)

SKI THE WHOLE MOUNTAIN, by Eric & Rob Deslauriers. A book from the technical slope skiers at Sugar Bowl Ski Area, California. The publisher says, "Learn how to ski any terrain and snow condition with expert advice from extreme skiers--for skiers who want to move beyond groomed runs. Offers simple, practical advice on handling moguls, steep slopes, and deep powder. ISBN: 0-9717748-3-8. Out-of-print and much sought.

CORE CONCEPTS FOR SNOWSPORTS INSTRUCTORS. Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO, 2001. 90 pages.

ALPINE TECHNICAL MANUAL: Skiing and Teaching Skills. Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO, 2002. 76 pages.

PSIA ALPINE HANDBOOK. Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO, 1996. 77 pages.

A SKI INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDE TO THE PHYSICS AND BIOMECHANICS OF SKIING, by Juris Vagners. 1995. 126 pages. unbound pages.


THE ATHLETIC SKIER, by Warren Witherell & David Evrard. The Athletic Skier: Salt Lake City, UT. 1994

TECHNICAL SKILLS FOR ALPINE SKIING, by Ellen Post Foster. Turning Point Ski Foundation: South Hero, VT. 1995.

SKIING AND THE ART OF CARVING, by Ellen Post Foster. Turning Point Ski Foundation: South Hero, VT. 1996. (also see video below, same title.)

UNIVERSAL SKI TECHNIQUES: Principles and Practices, by George Twardokens. Surprisingly Well: Reno, NV. 1992.

SKIING RIGHT, by Horst Abraham. Johnson Books: Boulder, CO . 1983. Explores right-brain factors in skiing.

THE SKIER'S EDGE: Breakthrough Techniques for Intermediate and Advanced Skiers, by R. LeMaster. Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL. 1999. Clear analysis of how good skiers ski good--and how you can, too. Excellent photo montages show the moves to make. See also author's website www.ronlemaster.com.

SKIING: The Nuts and Bolts, by R. LeMaster. PSIA: Lakewood, CO. 1995.

HIGH PERFORMANCE SKIING, by J. Yacenda. Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL. 1987

SKI POWDER 9 WAYS, by Boot Gordon. Gordonstown Press: Dillon, CO. 1975.

THE ANATOMY OF SKIING: How to Improve Your Downhill, Powder, and Cross-country skiing, by Richard Sanders. Vintage Books, Random House: New York, NY. 1979.

TEACH YOURSELF TO SKI, by G. Joubert. Aspen Ski Masters: Aspen, CO. 1970.

SKIING--An Art, A Technique, by G. Joubert. Poudre Publishing: La Porte, CO. 1978.

THE NEW OFFICIAL AUSTRIAN SKI SYSTEM: From Walking to Wedeln, by Roland Palmedo. A.S. Barnes & Co.: New York. 1958.

BRILLIANT SKIING, EVERY DAY, by Weems Westfeldt. See www.edgechange.com.

Children and Skiing.
CHILDREN'S INSTRUCTION HANDBOOK, by Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO, 2000.

GLEE, by Alan Bertrand. Atelier Esope Chamonix. 2005. The Panda method of teaching at Chamonix, France.

KIDS ON SKIS: A Guide to Family Skiing and Children's Instruction, Equipment, and Clothing, by I. William Berry. Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, 1980. 

Ski Maintenance.
by Seth Masia. Contemporary Books: Chicago, IL. 1982.

BASIC SKI MAINTENANCE VIDEO, by Seth Masia. Available from Tognar Toolworks: exits.

SKI TUNING VIDEO & BOOK. Available from Tognar Toolworks: exits.

WORLD CLASS SKI TUNING, by M. Howden. World Class Ski Tuning Publishing. 1985.

by Ellen Post Foster. Turning Point Ski Foundation: South Hero, VT. 1994.

COURSE SETTING MANUAL, Alpine Ski Racing, by Nancy Jo-O'Neill. Canadian Coaches Federation. 1994.

ALPINE ATHLETE COMPETENCIES, by Lester Keller, et. al. United States Ski and Snowboard Association.1997.

ROOKIE COACHES SKI RACING GUIDE: American Coaching Effectiveness Program. Human Kinetics Publishers: Champaign, IL. 1994.

DEVELOPMENT LEVEL COACHING: Alpine Ski Racing, by Canadian Ski Coaches Federation.1997.

TAKE YOUR BRAIN TO THE MOUNTAIN: Mental Skills in Alpine Ski Racing--A Guidebook for Athletes and Coaches in the Psychosocial Domain, edited by Tim Ross. United States Ski & Snowboard Association. 1999.

ENTRY LEVEL COACHING: Alpine Ski Racing, by Canadian Ski Coaches Federation. circa 1992.

Ski Mountaineering.
BACKCOUNTRY SKIING: The Sierra Club Guide to Skiing off the Beaten Track,
by Lito Tejada-Flores. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco, CA. 1981.

MOUNTAIN SKIING, by Vic Bein. The Mountaineers: Seattle, WA. 1982.

TACTICS FOR ALL-MOUNTAIN SKIING, by Chris Fellows. Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO. 2006. ISBN: 1-882409-30-2.

*SKI THE WHOLE MOUNTAIN, by Eric Deslauriers book from Sugar Bowl. All-Mountain Ski Pros. Mountain Press. Out-of-print and much sought. We can provide a used copy in good condition for $95.

POWDERGUIDE: managing avalanche risk. Kurzeder & Feist. 160 pages. ISBN: 0-9717748-7. (Available at $18.95 plus $3.50 shipping per order plus tax if Colorado from Bill Jones--Order # MOPR8961 paper$18.95)

SNOW SENSE: A Guide to Evaluating Snow Avalanche Hazard, by The Alaska Mountain Safety Center, Inc. 1998. 48 pages.


KID-SKI: How to Teach Your Child to Ski--A Methodology Ages 1-8. Apple Rise Sports. For adults who are intermediate or better skiers.

AVALANCHE VIDEO. 30 minutes. Available from Tognar Toolworks: exits.

SNOW STRUCTURE AND SKI FIELDS: Being an Account of Snow and Ice Forms Met with in Nature and a Study of Avalanches and Snowcraft, by G. Seligman. Macmillan: London. 1936..

THE AVALANCHE HUNTERS, by Montgomery M. Atwater. Macrae Smith: Philadelphia, PA.

THE AVALANCHE BOOK, by Betsy Armstrong and Knox Williams. Fulcrum: Golden, CO. 1986. ISBN 1-55591-001-7.

AVALANCHE HANDBOOK, by Ronald Perla and M. Martinelli, Jr. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; Superintendent of Documents; Washington, D.C. Agriculture Handbook 489.

FIELD GUIDE TO SNOW CRYSTALS, by Edward LaChapelle. University of Washington Press: Seattle, WA. 1969.

MOUNTAIN DREAMERS: Visionaries of Sierra Nevada Skiing,
by Robert Frohlich. Coldstream Press: Truckee, CA. 1997. 152 pages, 88  photos. Your website author is honored to have known several of the featured dreamers. $14.95 paper. Available from Amazon.com: exits.

SKIING WITH STYLE--Sugar Bowl: 60 Years, by Robert Frohlich & J.E. Humphries. 1999. 110 pages, 133 b&w photos.

MAGIC YOSEMITE WINTERS: A Century of Winter Sports, by Gene Rose. 1999. 144 pages, 203 photos.


*A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF DOWNHILL SKIING, by Stan Cohen. Pictorial Histories Publishing Co.: Missoula, MT 1985. 246 large-format pages, filled with historic photographs from all over the U.S. Broad-ranging history covers competition, equipment, ski lifts, resorts, films, fashion, more. ISBN 0-933126-55-7. $14.95

FROM SKISPORT TO SKIING: One Hundred Years of an American Sport, 1840-1940, by John Allen. University of Massachusetts Press: Amherst, MA. 1993.

LOST SIERRA: Gold, Ghosts, & Skis, by William B. Berry. Western America Skisport Museum: Soda Springs, CA. 1991.

"The History of Skiing": exits for Warren Miller website

JOHN JAY'S 1952 OLYMPIC VICTORY: The Story of the Winter Games in Oslo, Norway, by John Jay. 60 minutes, VHS. Available from New England Ski Museum: exits.

FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN: The Story of the Men of the 10th Mountain Division, by Beth and George Gage. First Run Features: New York, NY. 1995. 72 minutes, color VHS. Available from New England Ski Museum: exits.

WHITE ECSTASY: The Ski Chase, with Hannes Schneider and Leni Riefenstahl in the the 1931 foxchase classic by Dr. Arnold Fanck. Available from New England Ski Museum:

SUN VALLEY SERENADE, with Sonja Henie and John Payne, featuring the Glenn Miller Band. Fox Video. 1941 VHS b&w. 1941. Available from New England Ski Museum: exits.

SKIING HERITAGE: Journal of the International Skiing History Association. New Hartford, CT. Website: www.skiinghistory.org: exits.

MILITARY SKI MANUAL; A Handbook for Ski and Mountain Troops, by Frank Harper. The Military Services Publishing Co.: Harrisburg, PA. 1943. This was a how-to guide used in World War II by soldiers of the Tenth Army.

THE STORY OF SKI-ING, by Arnold Lunn. Eyre & Spottiswoode: London. 1952.


SKIING AND THE ART OF CARVING: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Perfect Carve, by Ellen Post Foster. Turning Point Ski Foundation: Edwards, CO. 1998. 60 minutes VHS, color. Available from Turning Point Ski Foundation: exits.

BREAKTHROUGH ON SKIS, by Lito Tejada-Flores. $29.95 each. See www.BreakthroughOnSkis.com: exits.
Demonstrates the concepts of advanced skiing. 58 minutes, VHS, with booklet. Also available in DVD @$29.95.
    Video II: BUMPS  & POWDER SIMPLIFIED. 63 minutes, VHS, with booklet. Also available in DVD @$29.95.
    Video III: THE NEW SKIS: How To Get The Best Performance From Your New Shaped Skis. carving on shaped skis. 53 minutes VHS, with booklet. Also available in DVD @$29.95.

 ALPINE TECHNICAL VIDEO. Professional Ski Instructors of America: Lakewood, CO, 2002. 20 minutes, VHS.

KID-SKI: How to Teach Your Child to Ski--A Methodology Ages 1-8. Apple Rise Sports. For adults who are high intermediate or better skiers. Available from Reliable Racing Supply: exits.

CARVING TURNS MADE EASY, by Al Hobart. 45 minutes, with 27 page book. Available from Reliable Racing Supply: exits.

WORLD CUP TRAINING with FINN & KJETIL AAMODT. Available from Reliable Racing Supply: exits.

Mahre tapes

SHAPE IT UP! Aspen Ski Masters



SKI. Website: www.magazineplace.com: exits.

SKIING MAGAZINE. Website: www.skiingmag.com: exits.

SKIING HISTORY (formerly SKIING HERITAGE): Journal of the International Skiing History Association. New Hartford, CT. Website: www.skiinghistory.org: exits.

THE PROFESSIONAL SKIER. Professional Skiers of America Educational Foundation: Lakewood, CO.

POWDER MAGAZINE. Website: www.magazineplace.com: exits.

This "Books and Videos" page was last modified March 8, 2025 . Did you come here from a link on another website? For latest version of this page, copy to your browser:" http://www.SkimyBest.com/skibmv.htm" or click http://www.SkiMyBest.com/skibmv.htm. Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025. William R Jones.