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--a skiing web manual
Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration #110478),
Level III
How To Reserve Private Ski Lessons with Bill Jones
"With their kinesthetic beauty and
fluidity, well-executed turns can be as pleasing to watch as they are to
In fact, when power and grace are combined, skiing is an art form."
--Jean Louis Poirot in The Professional Skier, Spring 2004, p. 30
Skiing Web Manual Contents
first-time skier appeared nervous and asked that the instructor ski beside her and
hold her arm as she moved at snails-pace down the gently inclined snow surface.
At the end of the short descent, however, she turned to her instructor and said, "You know,
it's the sliding part I don't like." Thus came the title for this
Why read this skiing web manual
That First Skiing Lesson A Little Skiing History
Motion in Skiing Conventional Skiing Wisdoms (CSWs)
Skier Excuses Fear in Skiing
Conditioning for Skiing.
Equipment and Technique (they go
together) Skiing Equipment--skis, boots, poles, more
How Skis Work (and how balance makes
skis work) How to Develop Balance on Skis
A Skiing Turn Simplified (sort of)--including photo
montages of ski turns The final skiing skill: pressure management
*Tactics for Terrains and Snow Textures--and Racing
(groomed, hard, powder, cold/warm, new/old, spring,
moguls, trees, trails, steeps, gates)--links below
Skiing Tips and Tales--a potpourri of gems, kernels, ideas,
training drills Exercises for Developing Skiing Skills
Children and Skiing Age and Skiing
Gender and Skiing Culture and Skiing
Skiing Ethics and Slope Survival
Slope Safety Skiing Environment
Videos & Apps for Advancing and Advanced Skiers
*Tactics for Terrains and Snow Textures--and RacingSkiing Hard Snow/Ice
Skiing Among Trees
Skiing Narrow trails
Skiing Moguls (Bumps)
Skiing Powder Snow
Skiing Cold Snow-Warm Snow/New Snow-Old Snow
Skiing "Spring" Snow
Skiing Steeps
Skiing Gates/Racing
skiers (all ski instructors) getting more serious to ski even better--using the hands to simulate ski
this session is being led by a national demonstration team member at Breckenridge,
2016. Jim, in the orange parka, teaches skiing at Copper Mountain.
From Kahlil Gibran: "The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind."
e-mail Bill Jones
phone: 970/468-7673
postal mail: 637 Blue Ridge Road, Silverthorne, CO 80498
IS A SLIDING SPORT"--a skiing web manual: SKIING WEB MANUAL CONTENTS Why Read This Skiing Web Manual
That First Skiing Lesson
A Little Skiing History
Motion in Skiing
Conventional Skiing Wisdoms
Skier Excuses
Fear in Skiing
Conditioning for Skiing
Equipment and Technique
How Skis
Work How
to Develop Balance on Skis
A Skiing Turn
Simplified The
Final Skiing Skill: pressure management Tactics for Terrains and Snow Textures and Racing Skiing Tips and
Tales--a potpourri
Exercises for Developing Skiing Skills
and Skiing
Age and Skiing
Gender and Skiing Culture
& Skiing Skiing Ethics
and Slope Survival Slope Safety
Skiing Environment
Videos and Apps
Glossary Acknowledgements
SkiMyBest Website Contents
This "Skiing Web Manual... Contents" page
last modified
March 8, 2025. Did you come here from a link on another website?
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Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2025. William R Jones.
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