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"SKIING IS A SLIDING SPORT": a skiing web manual
Exercises for Developing Skiing Skills
Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration #110478),
Level III
How To Reserve Private Ski Lessons with Bill Jones
For information on skiing exercises, go to "Conditioning for Skiing" page on
this website and especially the link there to the drills and tests formerly
required of Vail Resorts instructors.
Additional information can be found in a Google Search on the topic "Skiing
Also see "That First Skiing Lesson"
in this skiing web manual,
especially the paragraph "Consider the legs" which explores the phenomenon of
right-leggedness and left-leggedness and how that affects skiing as well as how
to reduce the effects of a too-dominant leg.
A trip only learned in 2024 relates to becoming more aware of using the legs and feet while skiing, as we are more accustomed to using the hands and arms. While adequately balanced or even braced, close your eyes and wiggle your tees and tense and relax your ankles and foot muscles, feelng them. This heightens awareness of these body parts compared to doing it with eyes open. Suggested by a physcial therapist, Allie Cofer of Axis Physical Therapy of Silverthorne.
IS A SLIDING SPORT"--a skiing web manual: Skiing
Web Manual Contents Why Read This Skiing Web Manual
That First Skiing Lesson
A Little Skiing History
Motion in Skiing
Conventional Skiing Wisdoms
Skier Excuses
Fear in Skiing
Conditioning for Skiing
Equipment and Technique
How Skis
Work How
to Develop Balance on Skis
A Skiing Turn
The Final Skiing Skill: pressure management
Tactics for Terrains and Snow Textures and Racing Skiing Tips and
Tales--a potpourri EXERCISES FOR
and Skiing
Age and Skiing
Gender and Skiing Culture
& Skiing Skiing Ethics
and Slope Survival Slope Safety
Skiing Environment
Videos and Apps
Glossary Acknowledgements
SkiMyBest Website Contents
This "Exercises for Developing Skiing Skills" page
last modified
February 18, 2025. Did you come here from a link on another website?
For latest version of this page, copy to your browser: http://www.SkiMyBest.com/skiexer.htm.
Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. William R Jones..
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