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 Why and How to Take a Ski Lesson from a Professonal Ski Instructor   How to Pick a Ski Instructor 
    Bill Jones/Ski Instructor   Contact Bill Jones   How To Reserve Private Ski Lessons with Bill Jones
"SKIING IS A SLIDING SPORT"--a skiing web manual: contents (topics at page bottoms of manual)

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 SkiMyBest "Learn to Ski/Ski Better/Ski My Best"
(aka: "It depends...")

deep powder skier

Whether inside the snow or on its top--it's all downhill from here!


SkiMyBest is devoted to your success in the skiing sport--so you will better enjoy the winter outdoors--with tips on skiing, ski lessons, ski areas, ski slopes, and ski instructors. The focus is alpine, or downhill, skiing, in its "classic" form; i.e., there's a long slider under each foot, and both feet are usually in side the snow or on or near its top.

"If you don't learn to ski/ski better/ski my best this year, you'll be another year older (or more) before you do."
--paraphrased from Warren Miller

What's the best answer to all questions about how to ski/ski better/skimybest? "It depends..."

by Bill Jones, Ski Instructor
Certified Professional Ski Instructor (Registration #110478), Level III
How to reserve private ski lessons with Bill Jones

       Synopsis of SkiMyBest website
        (so you'll get primary concepts right away,
        and then be able to drill down into topics below)


      Choosing an Area to Ski
       (so you'll go to the place that suits you most)


    Skiing the Colorado Rockies
         (so you can judge ski areas in this popular ski region)

Image result for epic mix logo Epic Mix--Skiing the Vail Resorts areas: In Colorado: Keystone, Breckenridge, Vail, Beaver Creek/Arrowhead, Heavenly Valley, Northstar, Kirkwood. And elsewhere: Stowe, Park City, Canyons, Whister-Blackcomb, and moe
 (so you can track vertical feet skied, earn virtual pins, race Lindsey Vonn, track ski skill progress)


                           Ski Slope Ratings  Green /Blue /Black 
                           (so you'll get on terrain suited to you)

Skier Skill Levels 1-9
(so you'll get in the right class to learn right)

        Skiing as a Career
        (so you'll know the pros and cons,
        should you want a career as a ski instructor)

   Skiing websites
             (so you can learn more about where
                         and how to ski your best)


     Colorado Winter Outdoors



    (so you can expand your knowledge
    of ski technique, equipment, and history)

  Skiing Instructor Humor

    (so you don't take all this information too


      (so we'll better appreciate our opportunities
        for skiing we have today thanks to others)


        Why and How to Take a Ski Lesson from a Professional
          (so you can judge how to start, reenter, or continue the sport)


 PSIA 1--bronze    How to Pick a Ski Instructor
 PSIA 2--silver        (so you'll learn the most for your time and money)
 PSIA 3--gold     

      Bill Jones, Ski Instructor 
         (so you'll know who maintains this website,
         and can decide whether to ski in a lesson with him.
         Or, go now to
      How to reserve a private ski lesson with Bill Jones


  "SKIING IS A SLIDING SPORT/Skiing Web Manual: Contents" 
                     (so you'll understand skiing mechanics and equipment before you get on snow)      

Navigation tip: Many of the links in this website will lead you to sites managed by others; these are indicated by the word exits at the end of the links. You may return to this website with your browser's back arrows or by our address: http://www.SkiMyBest.com.

So we may keep this website useful for you,  please e-mail any broken links you discover to Bill Jones. Also, we would be glad to hear your suggestions for improvements to this site, and in return for either broken link reports or website suggestions, ask for and we'll send you free a book of your choice (subject to availability, so give us your second choice) from our VistaBooks Outlet: exits website.

Get in our data base so we may send updates.

Check out our other websites (links exit this site; return with back arrow):

  •   VistaBooks.com: exits  for books on American history--maritime, gold rush, western expansion, John Muir, Indian rock art, more. Published byBillJones, ski instructor and former national park ranger, naturalist, and planner.

     TruckeeRiverWinery.com: exits  for award-winning wines--pinot noir, merlot, zinfandel, sauvignon blanc--from Truckee River Winery ("Highest and Coldest" winery), in Truckee, California, now with tasting room. Operated by Bill Jones' vintner son Russell Jones, University of California at Davis vitiology graduate and former professional ski racer and managed by Bill Jones' granddaughter Katy Jones, former cross-country skiing Junior Olympian and biathlete.

    name4carl.org: exits  and SharsmithPeak.org: exits for peak naming effort re Yosemite naturalist Dr. Carl Sharsmith. Created by Bill Jones (ski instructor and former national park ranger, naturalist, and park master planner) of Name4Carl Committe.


    Devin Kerr Photography website for Colorado landscape and detailed nature scenes. email: devinkerrphotography@gmail.com.

    Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025. William R Jones.
    No right is granted to reproduce any portion of this site without written permission from
    William R. Jones
    637 Blue Ridge Road, Silverthorne, CO 80498
    e-mail Bill Jones

    This "SkiMyBest Contents" page last modified March 8, 2025 . Did you come here from a link on another website? For latest version of this page, copy to your browser: http://www.SkiMyBest.com/skiconts.htm.